Generations for America - We are Better Together Rally
Fun Hispanic Heritage Month rally with music, dancing, food, karate, games and prizes for families
Questions? Contact Event Organizer
This event ended
Sat, Oct 15 - 02:00 PM
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On 15 October 2022, 11AM to 3PM, at the Northwood Baptist Church, 2200 Greenridge Rd, North Charleston, SC, Generations for America will bring together translators and resource partners to conduct food distribution, a blood drive (https://donate.thebloodconnection.org/donor/schedules/drive_schedule/198078), provide entertainment, music, food and children's games for a full day of multi-cultural education. Do you need groceries at this event? We partnered with the resource center for food distribution.
We want to ensure there is enough food for families so please register by providing your name, email address, phone number. Here's the Better Together event flyer you may give to friends, family and co-workers.
Parking for this event will be at the funeral home next door and behind the Northwood Church grassy area which accommodates over 175 parking spaces.
Ingrid Centurion is spearheading this awesome event with the help of the nonprofit Generations for America that she founded. She served our country for 22 years in the U.S. Army as a Helicopter and Fixed Wing Pilot, a Maintenance Test Pilot and a Helicopter and Fixed Wing Instructor Pilot. Ingrid retired as an Army Lt. Colonel and is an Iraq War Veteran. Her civilian career includes Motivational Speaking and Corporate Training. Learn more about the nonprofit at https://www.generationsforamerica.com/
Inspirar compromisos cívicos reúne a traductores y socios de recursos para educar a la comunidad. También llevaremos a cabo la distribución de alimentos con Latin Exchange. También realizaremos una campaña de donación de sangre con Blood Connections. Habrá entretenimiento, música y comida. Una variedad de camiones de comida hispana estarán presentes. También tendremos una amplia zona de juegos infantiles y actividades extraescolares.
Regístrese y háganos saber si necesita la despensa de alimentos para que podamos tener suficiente comida disponible para distribuir. Necesitamos su nombre, email y numero de teléfono para registraron. Aquí está el folleto del evento Better Together que puede dar a sus amigos, familiares y compañeros de trabajo. Estacionamiento detrás De la Iglesia y cerca de la funeraria.
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