COSMIC FLEET GATHERING EVENT, Expo/ Conference (close to Area 51)
SEPT 14-17, 2023
4 Days of ET Disclosure with over 30 Speakers and over 70 Exhibits with a BIOMED Health Expo
ALEXIS PARK RESORT, 375 E. Harmon Ave, Las Vegas, NV, 89169
Must be 21+ to Attend.
Website: https://Alienevent.com
Contact us: info@alienevent.com or call: 1-702-890-1290, or 1-310-908-6682
Video Intro: https://bit.ly/3HPXxUE
Since 2009, Alien Events is division of 5D events, Our website: https://Alienevent.com
***Must be 21+, No kids, no pets, no outside food, no alcohol, no drugs, no recording, and no backpacks.
Dress Code: Dressy Casual.
This event is at the same hotel and on the same days as our Health and Wellness event the Las Vegas Biomed Expo Ticket covers both events.
Website: https://biomedexpo.com, main portal is BIZTON: https://bizton.com
***Keynote Speakers: Dr. Sam Osmanagich, Mike Bara, Jonny Enoch & Brad Olsen
List of all Speakers:
Dr. Sam Osmanagich, Mike Bara, Jonny Enoch, Brad Olsen, Sarah Breskman Cosme, Andrew D. Basiago, Dr. Johnny Delirious, Dr. Raul Valverde, Saeed David Farman, Ismael Perez, Alex Gonzales, Brooks Agnew, Laura Eisenhower, Dr. Louis Turi, James Rink, Mary Beaver, Hans Dietrich, Eric Dadmehr, Phill Wright, Alan Bedian, Julia Kamman, Keygun Losleben & Ocean Sky.
Master of Ceremonies: Ocean Sky
Speakers Bio:
Page 1: https://bizton.com/page1-alien-event-speakers
Page 2: https://bizton.com/page-2-las-vegas-alien-event-speakers
There are four conference rooms, four speakers at the same time talking in each hall.
***General Admission Door Ticket is $399 purchase now and save. (Does not cover Incentives)
***Day tickets for general admissions are only $120.
***The Full event with three dinner Banquets Door Ticket is $699, each Dinner is $80 and (Does not cover incentives) register now and save.
***Incentives have separate tickets (Not streamed either), and they are $100, or $60 and is a 90-minute talk.
There are 3 Dinner buffet banquets, on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday night 7 PM to 11 PM Buffet Dinner and Dance with a glass of Wine or Champagne is $80 per person per night.
Las Vegas SEPT 14-17, 2023, Alien Event, an Expo Conference connected at the same time and space at the same hotel with Biomed expo with estimated one thousand attendees, over thirty-three speakers and fifty vendors with one hundred Lectures/ Panels & workshops, plus three dinner Banquets.
***Our past events: https://youtu.be/WL4R-wLjWu4
Join our New Humanity Movement: https://newhumanitymovement.com
***Streaming live: Live Streaming on 4 channels simultaneously is $59 (incentives will not be streamed): https://5dstream.com
***Become a vendor and exhibit your products and services:
***Event hours:
Conference & Exhibit hours are from Thursday SEPT 14, 2023, from 2 PM to 6 PM and Friday, Saturday, and Sunday from 9 AM to 6 PM daily.
The Registration desk opens Thursday SEPT 14TH, 2023 at 1:30 PM to 6:00 PM, and every other day is open from 8:30 AM till 6:00 PM. Dinner & Dance Banquet Champagne Parties are on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday Night from 7:30 PM to 11:30 PM.
***Nearest Airport: Only 10 minutes away from Las Vegas International Airport.
*** Las Vegas Alien Event & Health EXPO 2023
Amazing 4-day epic Alien Event the 31ST 5D event is about ET Disclosure, secret space programs, and Health and Wellness Expo/ Conference for a better future with Knowledge and Technology, Time Travel, AI, Artificial Intelligence, Remote Viewing, Space Science, Multiverse, CERN, 1952 UFOs over Washington DC, Parallel Timelines, ET Disclosure, Origin of Man, Planet Nibiru, Sumerian History, Anunnaki, Giants, Bigfoot, Human History, Hollow Earth, Antarctica, History of Mars, Mars Base, Timelines, Teleportation, plus many other topics.
The Conference part of the event has more than one hundred Lectures, Workshops, Panels, plus Speakers meet and greet Banquet Dinner parties on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday Night.
***Networking of UFO/ ET contact Researchers, Space Scientists, Contactees, Abductees, Disclosure groups, Whistleblowers, Area 51 employees, Space Force, NASA, DAARPA, Alientologists, Star Seeds, Indigos, Human Hybrids, Consciousness groups, with workshops, lectures & panels on the most prominent questions in our lifetime.
More topics of Discussion:
Las Vegas Aliens in Backyard the April 30th incident, Alien Agenda, Area 51, S4, Dulce Base, Secret Space Programs, Mars colony, Artificial Intelligence, DUMB, Deep Underground Military Bases, Super Soldiers, U.S bases on Moon and MARS, Alternative 3, Time travel, Telepathy, Teleportation, The Rainbow Project, Project Invisibility, Phoenix Project, Teleportation Projects, Nicola Tesla. John Von Neumann, USS Eldrige, The Montauk Chair, Dr, Wolf, Alternate Reality, Warping Space Time, Alternate Timelines, Teleportation Machine, Underground Extraterrestrial Bases, Pleiadeans, Gray Reptilians, Arcturians, Tall Whites, 57 Alien races, Ancient Civilizations, Time Tunneling, Grey Alien projects, Atlantis, Worm Holes, Space Time, Rings of Saturn, Life on Venus, Time Travel Machine Build by GE, Weather Control, Psychic Frequency. Time Vortex, Face of Mars, Ancient Civilizations, Mars Ruins, Artificial Intelligence, Akashic location system, Philadelphia Experiment. The subconscious mind, Telepathy, Teleportation, Time Travel, Incarnation, Teleportation Projects, Time/ Space Equations, Space-Time Tunneling, Alternate Reality, Warping Space Time, Altered States of Reality, Extra-Terrestrial Bases, Stealth Technology. Falling Frogs, Teleportation Machines, Extraterrestrial bases, Pleiadeans, Grays, Reptilians, Ancient Civilizations, Time tunneling, alien projects, Hyper Space, Space - Time Continuum, Worm Holes, Time Travel, Invisibility Machines, Time Vortex, Face of Mars, Ancient Civilizations, Mars Ruins, Telepathic Thought, and Powers of the Mind, Alternate Realities, Anomalies in time, Reptilians, Intelligence's off our planet, Subconscious Mind, Alien Intervention, Celestial Management, Self-Conscious computers, Philadelphia experiment & The subconscious mind.
***Conference Tickets:
The Alien event ticket holder can enjoy the BIOMED EXPO lectures and exhibit halls with over 70 exhibits in health and wellness for free with the ticket they have, there are three conference rooms, plus 7,000 Square feet two large ballrooms for exhibit hall.
Door ticket is $399, Buy tickets now and save as they keep rising.
General admission Day tickets are $120 per day.
Full event with three dinners banquet Ticket is $699 (does not cover incentives), register now and save.
There are 3 Dinner buffet banquets, for Thursday, Friday and Saturday night Buffet Dinner and Dance with a glass of Wine and Champagne for only $80 per person per night and is from 7:00 PM to 11:00 PM Nightly.
***TICKETS: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/alien-event-las-vegas-tickets-511330712927
***Hotel sleeping Rooms
***ALEXIS PARK RESORT Hotel Rooms Reservation for BIOMED EXPO GROUP:
Biomed expo Group discount room rates are $69 per night, except Friday and Saturday is $149 per night.
Our group rate applies from Tuesday 9/12/2023 through Tuesday 9/19/2023.
The Resort fee of $20.00 nightly, plus tax. Max occupancy is four people for each suite.
***For Room Reservation: please click on the link: https://reservations.travelclick.com/85179?groupID=3711798
Or call 800-582-2228 (in the Continental United States) or 702-796-3322.
Mention BIOMED EXPO to receive the group rate or refer to the Group discount Code: BIO2023
ALEXIS PARK ALL SUITE RESORT, 375 E. Harmon Ave, Las Vegas, NV 89169
10 minutes from the Las Vegas International airport and 5 minutes from the Las Vegas Strip.
The hotel has nine hundred free parking spots all around the resort plus opposite side of the hotel there is Virgin Casino with over one thousand free parking spaces you can park also.
Exhibit your products by filling the form: https://bizton.com/biomed-expo-exhibits
EXHIBIT HALL limited free tickets now available with Prior online registration.
There are about 73 Exhibit spaces, with Internet & electricity.
Estimated attendees at this event are over one thousand people.
Exhibit vendors can bring three people with free badges to the event.
Exhibit hours are from Thursday 2 PM to 6 PM and Friday, Saturday, and Sunday from 9 AM to 6 PM daily. Thursday SEPT 14TH, 2023, Expo set up starts at 12 noon and expo starts at 2 PM. For exhibit sales please send info to: info@biomedexpo.com or call 702 890-1290.
Highlights of this Alien event:
***Open Panel of all Speakers and Audience (Community Meeting)
Thursday SEPT 14TH, 2023, 5:30 PM to 7:00 PM.
Host: Saeed David Farman
***Meet & Greet Dinner Buffet Banquet, Dance party with all speakers and attendees
Thursday SEPT 14TH, 2023, 7:00 PM to 11:00 PM.
***Secret Space Science Panel: Information on Secret Space Programs
Friday SEPT 15TH, 2023 from 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM, Room Zeus A
Panel Host: BRAD OLSEN
Panel Speakers: Jonny Enoch, Brooks Agnew, Ismael Perez, Laura Eisenhower, James Rink & Mary Beaver
***Mike Bara Panel: Friday SEPT 15TH, 2023 from 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM
Mike Bara Panel: Where do we go from here?
The Ufology movement is at an unprecedented crossroads. Hucksters have been exposed, old favorites are fading from view, and many new cases are not living up to scrutiny. Is Ufology suffering because the wrong people are leading the charge? Do we need new blood to lead the next wave of truth telling? Where do you see the movement going over the next five years? Join us for an exciting roundtable discussion on what the future holds for question of the alien presence.
Panel Host: Mike Bara
Panel speakers: Brad Olsen, Brooks Agnew, Laura Eisenhower & Dr. Louis Turi
***Survival Panel: Saturday SEPT16TH, 2023, 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM
WW3, Viruses, Nuclear event survival, how to survive a never-ending blackout, earth changes, collapse of money system, empty supermarkets, how to create small communities.
Panel Host: Saeed David FARMAN
Panel Speakers:
Books Agnew, Brad Olsen, Eric Dadmehr, Mary Beaver & James Rink
***Panel of Transhumanism VS Humanity: Sunday SEPT 17TH, 2023, from 3:30 PM to 5:00 PM
Speakers: Jonny Enoch, Brooks Agnew, Laura Eisenhower, Sarah Breskman Cosme, Mary Beaver, Ismael Perez & James Rink
***Achieving Results Panel: Sunday SEPT 17TH, 2023 From 5:30 PM to 6:30 PM
Culmination of what we said and learned at this event and how to implement our new projects for humanity.
Host: Saeed David Farman
Panel Speakers: All speakers at the event.
Event Director: David Farman
Director Assistant: Eric Dadmehr & Alan Bedian
Master of Ceremonies: Ocean Sky
Volunteers: Volunteers join us by helping 4 hours per day and enjoying the conference the rest of the time. info@biomedexpo.com
Event Group on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/5DEVENT
Event Page on Facebook: https://fb.me/e/z3fGpXiL
Facebook Alienshift: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100064346723026
Media contact: Please email: info@alienevent.com or call: 1-702-890-1290.