2020 Paddling Film Festival Dayton Ohio
Event Cancelled
Questions? Contact Event Organizer
This event ended
Thu, Mar 19 - 08:30 PM
Sold Out
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Tom and I are so grateful for your patience and endurance as we waited to see if we could hold the 2020 Dayton Screening of the Paddling Film Festival originally scheduled for March 19. As you recall, we had to cancel just prior to the event because the State of Ohio had just prohibited public gatherings. It was so disappointing but we had hope that we would be able to hold the event once the summer was over. We’ve been waiting and actively looking for various creative options and nothing has panned out.
At this point we have decided to officially cancel the event. We can refund the cost of your ticket - or if you prefer you can donate the amount of your ticket to Global Water Consortium. There is no pressure to donate. We are happy to refund your money since the event was cancelled. If you choose to donate your refund to Global Water, the entire amount will go to Global Water for their sustainable water project in India.
I’m pleased to announce that Rapid Media has several creative options available for next year including online options, smaller gathering options and combination options where some can gather in person and others online. Details will be sent out after the first of the year.
Happy Paddling.
Tom Helbig
Cliff Fawcett
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