39th Indy International Festival 2015
Celebrating the Sights,Sounds & Taste of the World right here in INDIANA
Questions? Contact Event Organizer
This event ended
Sat, Nov 07 - 09:00 PM
Sold Out
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The INTERNATIONAL FESTIVAL will feature exhibits from the 60 + ethnic groups represented in Central Indiana as they gather to share their rich cultural histories and traditions. Highlights of the festival include authentic foods from 20+ ethnic vendors; continuous ethnic music and dance by local and national performing groups; Culture Booths hosted by volunteers in traditional dress where you can connect with your own ethnic heritage; artisans demonstrating unique cultural crafts; a Naturalization Ceremony and an International Marketplace offering gifts from around the world.
Additional Features:
- GIANT, WALK-UPON Map of Africa hosted by Geography Educators’ Network of Indiana (GENI)
- Italian Street Painting
- International Market Shop for Souvenirs
- International Beer and Wine Garden
- Kids Zone
- Tudor Rose Players
- International Festival Queen Contest
- Naturalization Ceremony
- Parade of Nations
visit: www.IndyInternationalFestival.org
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